Monday, March 12, 2007

So You Are Ready To Get A Puppy...

So you are ready to get a puppy! You have considered various dog breeds and you have decided on the perfect breed for your family and you are ready to bring a puppy home! Or so you think...

When deciding on a puppy for your family, there are many considerations to take into mind. Not only do you need to consider what breed is right for your family (and I will talk more about this in my next posting) but whether your family situation is right to accomodate ANY breed of dog. When you bring a puppy into your home, or any age dog for that matter, you need to be 100% comfortable that this breed will fit well into your family and will be a dog that you can be committed to for their whole life - which could be as long as 12, 13, 14 or more years! Too many dogs end up in shelters and rescue because their family was smitten with getting that cute little puppy...until the novelty wore off and that cute little puppy became a grown dog, or perhaps the family just didn't have time for a dog anymore...

Before getting a puppy, you need to ask yourself the following:

  1. Can I be committed to this puppy for his or her lifetime? Keep in mind how long a dog can live. Most breeds live to be 12 plus years!
  2. Does my family's lifestyle fit well with having time to care for a puppy or grown dog? Is your family always on the go where you spend more time away from home than in your home? Remember that your dog will be alone all those hours and dogs are not solitary animals - they have a pack mentality and need to spend ample time with their family members.
  3. Can I afford to care for a dog, not only for food and routine vet care but should he/she need emergency medical care or surgery? Average care will cost a couple of hundred dollars a month on average but emergency care can cost into the thousands for a single incident!
  4. Do I have time to play with and exercise my dog? Warning! A bored dog is a mischievious dog and bored dogs find trouble to get into. Additionally, lack of exercise leads to an overweight dog which can cause health problems.
  5. Are my work hours not so time consuming that it would be unfair to leave a dog alone for hours on end? A puppy needs someone home even more often than an adult dog and will so until he/she is old enough that their bladder muscle has matured to where they can hold themselves for longer periods of time. A puppy should not be left longer than 4 hours at most before someone should come to let them out. An adult dog should not be left longer than 8 or 9 hours (which is still too long in my opinion) before someone needs to be there so they can not only relieve themselves, but have someone to spend time with them. Again remember, dogs are pack animals and not solitary animals.
  6. Is my whole family committed to getting a puppy and will everyone pitch in to care for him/her? A puppy as well as an adult dog needs to be loved and welcomed by everyone in your family. Dogs sense when they are not wanted and will become stressed when the family, or a family member, is stressed by their presence in the home. Also, your dog will need for everyone to help out and take care of his/her needs. Adults will take on the primary dog care responsibilities, but kids can do their part too and this will help to strengthen the bond with your dog as well as teach your children the values of responsibility and respect for others.
  7. Am I committed to training my puppy/dog? Dogs do not learn how to behave on their own. They need guidance from their family and a commitment to training them properly. Training starts from the time you bring that 8 week old puppy home! Your puppy will require patience and consistency in direction from you. You will train at home on your own but also sign your puppy up for Puppy Kindergarten/Socialization classes and when he/she is older take him/her to obedience classes. Remember that positive reinforcement is more effective then negative reinforcement and leads to faster results, a happier dog and therefore, a happier you!
  8. Do I have a safe place for my puppy/dog to play? Get a fence! There is no more secure place for a dog to be than within a fenced yard. This will reduce the chances significantly of your dog getting lost, being attacked by another dog, upsetting your neighbors, or being hit by a car. Remember too to have a secure latch on your fence and a lock for added safety. And never leave your dog out in your yard when no one is home - fence or no fence.
  9. Do I have a plan for when the family is on vacation? Arrange ahead of time and know what accomodations you will make for your dog when your family goes on vacation. Do not wait until the last minute or you may find yourself settling for what you can get and this may not be the best for your dog! Arrange for a family member, pet sitter, or reputable boarding kennel to be available when you need them. I strongly recommend you interview your pet sitter and have him/her meet your dog before you ever need their services. make sure they are comfortable with your dog, your dog is comfortable with them, and YOU are comfortable with the person. With regards to a boarding kennel, go and tour the facility and be sure it is clean, well kept, has ample space in their kennel runs, and that you are comfortable with the staff.
  10. And finally, will my puppy/dog be a family member or just another animal to take care of? If you answer the first 9 questions and feel a puppy or grown dog fits perfectly into your family lifestyle, then lastly, you need to ask yourself this final question. Be sure you have compassion and love that you can offer your dog as he/she will return it tenfold! A dog that knows he/she is loved and wanted is a dog that truly is living the life a dog deserves and yearns for. Dogs are dedicated animals and live to please their family. They will give of themselves as long as they are living and their innate desire is to make you happy. All they ask in return is for your love, attention, and for you to spend time with could be as simple as playing ball in the yard or snuggling up together on the couch (or the floor if you have trained your puppy not to get on the furniture). :o)

So now ask yourself....
Are you ready to get a puppy?

Next posting I will talk about choosing the right breed for your family!

This Blog is brought to you by Beth Downey of - The Ultimate Boxer Shopping Experience! and Amity Hall Boxers

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Boxer - Regal Clown Of A Dog

How can a dog be regal AND clownish? Sounds ambiguous does it not? Yet anyone who has ever had the opportunity to share life with a Boxer knows precisely how these two qualities can be embraced by one breed!

Without question, the Boxer carries himself with an air of royalty and distinction. He stands out as a breed and why wouldn't he? One of several of the original purposes of the Boxer breed was to be a faithful watch dog over his master's home and family. Therefore, the Boxer had to be an alert and wary dog, always watchful and ready to proclaim the presence of a stranger. An unwelcome trespasser will think twice before approaching a Boxer's master, his home or the master's children!

And yet, in the next moment the Boxer can be fun loving and full of clownish antics! He loves to rough house, run like the wind, and make people laugh! The Boxer is full of tricks and he is truly a ham! And oh is he active! Whether it be performing aerobatic mid-air flips or running at mach speed through the yard with his rear tucked tightly underneath of himself (you Boxer people know exactly what I mean) - he is guaranteed to entertain you! And yet despite all of his rough and tumbleness, he can be ever so gentle with children which is why this breed is known as a family favorite.

My name is Beth Downey and I am looking forward to sharing fun as well as helpful information on this Blog regarding the Boxer breed and dogs in general. I am currently owned by 4 wonderful Boxer kids myself and I also have an online Boxer store at which offers over 200+ Boxer gift items so stop by and visit sometime! I guarantee there is something for everyone there, even your Boxer! Until next time - Have you been hugged by a Boxer today?

This Blog has been brought to you by Beth Downey of and Amity Hall Boxers Member of the American Boxer Club, Maryland Boxer Club, Talbot Kennel Club, and the American Boxer Charitable Foundation.

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